Cwrteisi, Tyfu, Hybu yw enw strategaeth Awdurdod Cyllid Cymru ar y Gymraeg, a ysgrifennwyd gan RHD Consultancy Cyf. Sefydlwyd yr Awdurdod newydd i gasglu refeniw trethu i Gymru yn 2017 a gofynnwyd i ni lunio strategaeth arloesol a phellgyrhaeddol ar gyfer y pum mlynedd nesaf. Gweithiom yn agos gyda’r tîm arwain uwch a’r holl staff i gydweithio a chyd-greu’r strategaeth. Arweiniom sesiynau ar-lein, gweithdai mewn timoedd, cyfweliadau gyda rheolwyr ac arweinwyr a holiadur staff, a gweithiom ar y cyd i lunio’r strategaeth. Cafodd y strategaeth ei chytuno gan y Bwrdd a’i lansio ym mis Medi 2020, ac mae’n uchelgeisiol ac yn dangos y glir fod yr Awdurdod yn bwriadu cyfrannu tuag at nodau Llywodraeth Cymru yn ‘Cymraeg 2050’.
Testimonial – Ceri Sullivan
“The WRA is a relatively new organisation which was established in October 2017 and so we are awaiting the arrival of our Welsh Language Standards. As a non-ministerial Government department we are complying with Welsh Governments Welsh Language standards where proportionate, but we felt that we needed a strategy and a set of principles that reflected us – our culture and ways of working.
We met with Rachel initially to discuss our requirements and the services RHD Consultancy offer, Rachel’s enthusiasm and thoughts and ideas were exactly what we were looking for.
As a small organisation of approx. 80, we very much believe in engagement with our people and we were keen to take that same approach to ensure our staff feel a sense of ownership over the strategy. Rachel was full of ideas on how this could be done and carried out many 1-2-1’s and group engagement sessions to reach all staff and get their feedback at different stages of development – she was then able to use this feedback to shape our strategy.
Our strategy was welcomed by our people, our Executive team and our Board of Directors, it is something that feels like us and it meets the needs and preferences of our people and customers whilst complementing our statutory requirements – we are now in the process of starting implementation!”